Saturday, April 11, 2009

LightYears: Gerald Förster

Check out Gerald Förster at Jenkins Johnson Gallery. An amazing project called "LightYears" which compresses 10 years of work in to a series that is both erudite (and distinctively rendered). In an astonishing meditative, yet confident style - Gerald, much like Christopher Griffith, are photographers that share with open hearts and have allowed me to feel a part of a community of creatives that pushes and explores the world with confidence and a sense of purpose of expression. Having friends who help encourage you as a person and as an artist is a good thing. It also does not hurt that all three of us also share a mutual obsession for shooting pretty much anything and anyone against an isolated backdrop - oh how I miss my African Studio.... Also check out Gerald's video work which are some of my favorite video pieces ever done by an artist. They are incredibly well executed (as well as presented) and make me think I am seeing the next leap in photographers being able to express themselves as both still and motion film documentarians - check out the boxers and the geisha's in particular (the photo I shot posted above is a man I saw in the gallery who videotaped almost every piece in the show - I was struck by his symmetrical haircut). The exhibit is available for viewing in New York through May 30th, 2009.

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